Access is free. Start your application.

To ensure that our platform is for professionals only, PbM will not grant access to Authors who do not have an Amazon KDP profile.Once registered and approved, you’ll have free access to all of our full portfolios


Password must be at least 7 characters long.
Password must be at least 7 characters long.
This email address will be the basis of your account. Memberships will not be processed when users sign up with a random email alias such as Apple's "Hide my email" to cloak your real email address.

This is optional, but will speed up your application significantly if provided.

You will need to have an active social media account that is publically viewable and populated with imagery. This is used to assess how you present your branding. We may decline your access if you cannot provide this, or have a social media account that is visually empty. Follower counts do not play a factor in your application for PbM access.
Although most authors sell internationally, we use this information for our image licensing.

I have read and accept the Terms of Service. (You will need to scroll through to the bottom of the terms to activate this button).
Scroll through the Terms of Service in order to accept.